Hi Thomas, I understand your point but I must disagree with the first statement. In the TED talk I put as a ressource in the text Prof. De Little talkes about our personality and life projects that makes us stepping out of the confort zone traced by our personality. Off course we are not super malleable especially as we get older but different interventions can modify our personality traits and temperamental tendencies, such as therapy decrease neuroticism, mindfulness decrease emotional reactivity…
And to respond to your romance comments, the text is a vignette of a moment, a phenomenological recall. A Beautiful moment that corresponds exactly to these Life Projects that Prof. De Little talks about. How does it ends? I will keep posting more of those phenomenological vignettes from time to time. Lets see what you think ;-)



Maja Wrzesien, PhD (she, her) www.majawrzesien.com
Maja Wrzesien, PhD (she, her) www.majawrzesien.com

Written by Maja Wrzesien, PhD (she, her) www.majawrzesien.com

Scientist, mindfulness trainer, vegetarian foodie & mum. What brings me joy is teaching, acroyoga, and writing. Get to know me @psychological.science.bites

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